ERNEST RUTHERFORD ( 30 Aug 1871 - 19 Oct 1937 )

ERNEST RUTHERFORD ( 30 Aug 1871 - 19 Oct 1937 )

 He was a New Zealand born chemist. He, for the first time, discovered nucleus of an atom. He proposed Rutherford's model of an atom. He was awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry in the year 1908. During his investingation of radioactivity, he named alpha and beta particles to describe two types of radiations emitted by uranium and thorium. In 1919, he became the first person to transmute one element into another when he converted nitrogen into oxygen through nuclear reaction 14N(α, p)17O. In 1920, Rutherford proposed existence of neutral partical, neutron. Rutherfird's work was intrumental in the beginning of Manhatten project to develop the first nuclear weapon. The element Z = 104, rutherfordium, was discovered in the year 1987, the name was given to this element to show respect to Rutherfor



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