English बोर्ड प्रश्नपत्रिका

English बोर्ड प्रश्नपत्रिका


SECTION I : Language study - 10 marks

Q.1. A) Do as directed (Attempt any four) :

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters :

i) yo-ng - young 

ii) wor-d - world

iii) r-yal - royal

iv) h-rse - horse

2) Put the following words in alphabetical order :

i) parents, mischief, kids, epic

Ans :

epic, kids, mischief, parents

ii) time, tough, tame, technique

Ans :

tame, technique, time, tough.

3) Punctuate the following sentences ;

i) she said i am doing my bit 

Ans : 

She said, "I am doing my bit".

ii) then stay with me tonight she said

Ans :

"Then stay with me tonight," she said

4) Make four words (minimum of three letters each) using the letters in the word :


Ans :

Daughter, Grand, And, Grade

5) Write the related words as shows in the example :

6) Complete the word chain of 'verbs'. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word :

eat →  ...................,    ...................,   ...................,  ...................,

Ans :

eat → teach → hear → rest → talk → kick

B) Do as directed :

1) Attempt any one :

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase : 

'to run away'

Ans :

The two men managed to run away.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully :

I saw a boy :

Ans :

I saw a boy who was very cleaver.

2) Attempt any one :

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words :

i) pay - payment, repay

ii) happy - unhappy, happily


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of following words :

i) pay - I pay the bill regularly.

ii) happy - I am very happy.

SECTION II : Textual Passages - 20 marks 

Q.2. A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

A1. Write whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False' :

i) After a hearty lunch, the narrator settled down with a storybook.

Ans :


ii) The quiet afternoon presented the perfect backdrop for reading a mysterious story.

Ans :


iii) The narrator ignored the commotion at first.

Ans :


iv) The narrator rushed to the veranda to see where his family was.

Ans :


After a hearty lunch, my parents and my younger sisters lay down for an afternoon nap and I settled down with a storybook. The quite afternoon presented the perfect backdrop for reading an adventure story. The silence was occasionally broken by the sound of my family snoring, the intermittent chirping of house sparrows, the harsh cawing of a crow the shrill call of a kite flying high above the ground. Minutes ticked by. I became deeply absorbed in the book.

  Suddenly, I heard a group of street dogs barking furiously in the distance. I chose to ignore the commotion thinking that the pack of dogs might have cornered a hapless pig. But soon, the barking became louder and more aggressive and the alarmed cawing pf a flock of crows added to the cacophony. I also heard the disturbance approaching closer. Curiosity got the better of me. Leaving the book aside, I rushed to the veranda to see what was going on. 

A2. Complete the following web :

A3. Match the describing words from the passage with the given nouns below :


Describing words 

 i) adventure

a) pig 

 ii) hearty

b) story 

 iii) younger

c) lunch 

 iv) hapless

d) sisters 

Ans :


Describing words 

 i) adventure

b) story 

 ii) hearty

c) lunch

 iii) younger

d) sisters 

 iv) hapless

a) pig

A4. Do as directed :

i) I became deeply absorbed in the book.

(Rewrite it in Simple Present Tense)

Ans :

I become deeply absorbed in the dark.

ii) I chose to ignore the commotion.

(Underline the infinitive)

Ans :

I chose to ignore the commotion.

A5. Personal Response :

Which type of story do you like to read ? why ?

Ans :

I like to read adventurous stories. It makes us bold and confident. It absorbs the focus and concentration of the reader. It also teaches us that human beings should be prepared for unexpected problems or difficulties and how to tackle them. Being thrilling, they are good for entertainment.

B) Read the following passage and do the activities :

B1. Complete the following sentences :

i) Meena stayed alone as .................................

Ans :

Meena stayed alone as her parents lived in Delhi.

ii) Meena had the habit of .................................

Ans :

Meena had the habit of complaining about anything and everything.

iii) The narrator was caught in ............................

Ans :

The narrator was caught in the rain.

iv) Seeing Meena the narrator's first reaction was ................

Ans :

Seeing Meena the narrator's first reaction was to run

That was Meena. She stayed alone in an apartment as her parents lived in Delhi. She was an only child and has the habit of complaining about anything and everything. Naturally, she wasn't a very pleasant company and nobody wanted to visit her. Then one day, Meena was transferred to Bombay and soon we all forgot about her.

Many years later, I found myself caught in the rain at Bombay's Flora Fountain. It was pouring and I didn't have an umbrella. I was standing near Akbarallys, a popular departments store, waiting fir the rain to subside. Suddenly, I spotted Meena. My first reaction was to run, even in that pouring rain. I was anxious to avoid being seen by her, having to listen to her never-ending complaints. However, I couldn't escape. She has already seen me and caught hold of my hand warmly. What's she was very cheerful.

B2. Describe Meena's character.

Ans :

There was always somethings strange about Meena. She was always unhappy. Any person who came in contact with her would feel depressed. Her thoughts were negative about everything and about every person.

B3. Find similar words :

1) pleasant - cheerful

2) heavy rainfall - pouring 

3) well known - popular 

4) noticed - spotted

B4. Do as directed :

1) She wasn't a very pleasant company.

(Choose the correct question tag)

a) did she ?

b) can she ?

c) can't she ?

d) was she ?

Ans :

She wasn't a very pleasant company, was she ?

2) I spotted Meena.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'Meena ......')

Ans :

Meena was spotted by me.

B5. Personal Response :

In your opinion, how should a friend be ?

Ans :

In my opinion, a friend should be loyal, honest and trustworthy. He should stand by us in our hour of need. He should be loving and caring and encourage us to do good things in our life. He should not be negative whereas he should make us smile in our difficult time.

SECTION  III : Poetry 

Q.3. (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities :

A1. Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentences :

i) The poet suggests to listen to ........................

(the sounds of animals/the sounds of life)

Ans :

The poet suggests to listen to the sounds of life.

ii) The poet suggests to speak to .......................

(unfamiliar people/Parents)

Ans :

The poet suggests to speak to unfamiliar people.

If you do not travel,

If you do not read,

If you do not listen to the sounds of life, 

If you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly ..............

When you kill your self-esteem

When you do not let others help you. 

You start dying slowly ...............

If you become a slave of your habits,

Walking everyday on the same paths ..................

If you do not change your routine,

Of you do not wear different colours

Or you do not speak to those you don't know.

You start dying slowly ..................

A2. Complete the following web :

A3. Find nouns of the following describing words :

i) different  

Ans :

different : colours

ii)  same 

Ans :

same : paths

B) Appreciation of the poem :

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the point gives below :

The World is mice  

Today on a bus, I saw a lovely girl with silken hair 

I envied her, she seemed so gay, and I wished I was so fair 

When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle

She had one leg and more a crutch, but as she passed - a smile 

O God, forgive me when I whine 

I have two legs, the world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets, The lad who sold then had such charm had such charm

I talked with him, he seemed so calm, and if I were late, it would do no harm, 

And as I left he said to me "I thank you, you have been so kind"

It's nice to talk with folks like you. You see, I'm blind 

O God forgive me when I whine

I have two eyes, the world is mine

Later walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue

He stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do 

I stopped a moment, then I said, why don't you join the others dear

He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear

O god forgive me when I whine

I have two ears, the worlds is mine.

With legs to take me where I'll go 

With eyes to see the sunset's glow 

With ears to hear what I would know 

O God forgive me when I whine 

I', blessed, indeed, the world is mine.



The world is mine. 


Name of the poet  

Joy Lovelet Crawford  


Rhyme scheme 

First, Second and Third stanzas : aabbcc

Fourth Stanza : aabcc  


Figure of speech  

Apostrophe, inversion 


Theme/Central idea 

The central idea of the poem is that we must count our blessings rather than complaining about the things which we think, we lack. When we are thankful to God for all the good things we are endowed with, then the world and its joy are ours. Then we cherish the things which we often take for granted and find no season for complaining.  

SECTION  IV : Non - Textual Passage 

Q.4. A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

A1. Fill in the blanks :

i) ................. percent of our daily communication is non-ventral.

Ans :

93 percent of our daily communication is non-ventral.

ii) Eye contact is another type of ......................... communication.

Ans :

Eye contact is another type of non-verbal communication.

iii) Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling ............................

Ans :

Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling distressed or uncomfortable.

iv) One can readily detect .....................

Ans :

One can readily detect happiness, sadness, anger


A3. Find the antonyms of :

i) verbal  X  non-verbal 

ii) entertaining  X  boredom

iii) sender  X  recipient 

iv) comfortable  X uncomfortable

A4. Do as directed :

i) The eyes convey a range of emotions.

(Frame a 'Wh' question in order to get the underlined part as answer )

Ans :

What do eyes convey ?

ii) Physicians can tell about a patient's wellness.

(Rewrite using 'able to').

Ans :

Physicians are able to tell about patient's wellness. 

A5. Personal Response :

Non-verbal communication plays an important role in our daily life. Comment.

Ans :

Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in our daily life. It can improve a person's ability to relate, engage and establish meaningful interactions in everyday life. Emotions are very much powerful when communication with children. Gestures facial expressions, eye contact and body posture are powerful tools to convey our messages to any one.

B) Summary Writing :

Read the passage given in Q. No. 4(A) and write a summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to the summary.

Ans :

Non-verbal communication - A way of expression 

Non-verbal communication is about sending a message without using words. It includes body language, tone of voice, facial expressions , eye contact, and the appearance of the communicator. Facial expressions show one's happiness, sadness, anger, etc. The eyes too convey a range of emotions like happiness, sadness, boredom, surprise, confidence, etc. Eye contact is taken as a sign of respect in certain cultures. Blinking eyes indicate the feeling of distress and uncomfortability. One can understand how the patient is doing by physicians body language and facial expressions. Even lips are also good indications of worry, anxiety, happiness and sadness. Thus the non-verbal communication plays very important role in our day to day life and everyone use it knowingly or unknowingly.

Q5. A) Letter Writing :

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following :

Imagine you are Sanjay/Sanjana Bhosale from Room No. B/10, Sai Nagar, Purvo Colony, Amravati. Now, attempt any one of the following letters after reading the advertisement.

A1. Informal Letter 

Sanjay Bhosale 

Room No. B/10,

Sai Nagar,



12th Dec, 2022.

Dear Dada,

Hope you are doing well there and happy with your new job. I am happy to learn that father has given you a new bike to reach your office on time. I know you ride it carefully and safely. You must have heard the famous saying. "No safety, know Pain, Know Safety, No Pain". It tells everything what we want to do while driving.

I am forwarding some tips for you and your safety driving. Kindly follow it as our life is the biggest gift given by God. And we can enjoy it when we are alive. Use helmet while riding bike and avoid overspeeding on highway. Please do not use your mobile phone while riding. Always follow 'you first' rule. It is always good to follow all the traffic rules. Leave before time so that you would reach office an time. So there wouldn't be hurry as it's rightly said 'Speed thrills but kills'. Always keep it in mind : Safety first.

I am sure you have been following the traffic rules. Aai and Baba are doing well. My school and studies are going on very well. We are missing you always. We love and care you. So follow the instructions given by me and mother. Take Care. Reply me once you receive the letter.

Yours loving brother,


A2. Formal Letter 

Sanjay Bhosale 

Room No. B/10,

Sai Nagar,



12th Dec, 2022.


The Chief Traffic Controller,


Sub : About issuing poster on 'Road Safety Week'. 

Respected Sir,

I am Sanjay Bhosale, the resident of Purvo colony, would like to thank you and your department heartily for the informative and appealing poster issued for the public.

I know Traffic Police Amravati are doing their best for the safety on road. So number of accidents are reducing day by day. 'During the Road safety week' you have issued very useful tips in public interest. It is not only useful for the bike riders but also for the car drivers. It is rightly said 'Speed thrills but kills'. The tips gives by you will definitely control the speed on roads.

I am sure all the information is appealing and useful for the residents of Amravati. Safely first on road leads towards happy family life. So people will definitely follow the same while driving.

Thanks again for the same.

Yours faithfully,

Sanjay Bhosale. 

B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following :

B1. Dialogue writing :

a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences :

1) It will reach Nagpur at 7:15 a.m.

2) What is the departure time of the Vidarbha Express ?

3) When will it reach Nagpur ?

4) The departure time is 8:30 p.m.

Ans :

2) What is the departure time of the Vidarbha Express ?

4) The departure time is 8:30 p.m.

3) When will it reach Nagpur ?

1) It will reach Nagpur at 7:15 a.m.

b) Complete the dialogue :

Manas : How much is the SSC exam fee ?

Clerk : .............................

Manas : When is the last date to submit the exam form ?

Clerk : ............................

Ans :

Manas : How much is the SSC exam fee ?

Clerk : It is 550/-

Manas : When is the last date to submit the exam form ?

Clerk : The last date is 15th January.

c) Write dialogue between a student and teacher on 'Importance of Yoga'.

Ans :

Teacher : Are you practising Yoga or not ? I have already taught you different Aasanas and Pranayam.

Student : Yes sir, I have been practising from last 3 months.

Teacher : So what difference do you find in youself those 3 months ?

Student : Aasans are improving my digestion and physical health. Now I feel very happy and energetics every time.

Teacher : What about Pranayam ?

Student : It helps me to improve my concentration. I am developing my mental ability. Thanks a lot Sir, for your guidance.

Teacher : you are welcome !

B2. Drafting a speech :

Imagine that you are general secretary of your school cultural committee. Write a speech on "The trees are our best friends' with the help of the following points :

* Trees give us flowers, fruits, wood, shade and oxygen.

* Trees maintain the balance of the nature.

* It is everyone's responsibility to save trees.

* Plant more trees, save more lives.

* Add your own points.

Ans :

'The trees are our best friends'

"If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees". So my dear friends you must have understood the subject of my speech. My dear friends we always feel comfortable in the company of our best friend and of course. in the company of trees. Trees I feel it is the most valuable. gift given by God to all of us. So it is impossible to survive on this land without trees.

Trees give us everything and in return, we do nothing for them. The least that we can do for trees is to protect them from the axe. They are called the breathe of our life as they maintain the proportion of oxygen and carbon-dioxide. Thus they maintain the natural balance. With their beautiful flowers, fruits and healthy herbs trees provide beautiful environment to live in. They are the source of food, air, water and shelter. So we must conserve them in their natural habital.

Trees attract the birds and animals. They beautify the nature. They provide us everything which we expect to make. our life happy. They are our good companions. They protect us from natural calamaties like droughts and floods. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. They do not need us rather we need them for multiple benefits in life. So we should protect and save the greatest blessings of the mother earth.

Thanking you,

Q.6. A) Information Transfer :

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following :

A1. Non-verbal to verbal :

The following diagram shows important factors to be considered while choosing a career. Write a paragraph based on it. Give a suitable title to it :

How to choose career?

Career is a very important thing in one's life. Whatever career path you choose to follow, it will impact your life greatly. Your career will determine your social circle and relationships. Therefore it is extremely important to choose correct path. We must consider a number of factors before deciding on our career. Each factor plays significant role in our choice. Firstly always assess yourself throughly. You must understand your area of interest. Check your skills and abilities accordingly. See whether your personality is suitable for the same or not and then see the future prospects. Look for the opportunities as per your area of interest. Do not follow your family profession if you are not interested in it. Once you decide, acquire the skills for the career options you are interested in. In short, always remember to stay determined. Be positive and set your mind to achieve your goal. In other words, people usually distract themselves easily. You must not do so and focus on your career path to achieve your goals efficiently.

A2. Verbal to Non-verbal :

Read the following statements and prepare a chart of 'Do's' and 'Don'ts'. Suggest a suitable title for it :

Nature is abode for all of us. It provides us with all our basic needs. However, we must take care of the following things so that our mother nature is not harmed.

* We must plant more trees.

* We should not cut trees.

* We must keep our area neat and clean.

* We should never discharge garbage without proper management.

* We should not pollute air and water.

* We should not use plastic bags,

* We should not hunt birds or animals.

* We should use more of public transport.

* We should spread awareness about the importance of maintaining balance in nature.

Ans :

How to maintain balance in nature ?




Plant more trees. 


Don't cut trees. 


Keep your area neat and clean. 


Don't discharge garbage without proper management. 


Use more means of public transport.  


Don't pollute air and water. 


Spread awareness about the importance of maintaining balance in nature. 


Don't use plastic bags. 




Don't hunt birds or animals. 

B) Expand the theme :

B1 or B2. Do any one of the following :

B1. News Report :

Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of given points :

21 years old Mayur wins World Chess Championship 

Make use of the following guidelines :

* Headline 

* Dateline 

* Lead line 

* Body of the report 

Ans :

Mayur wins world chess championship at the age of 21

New Delhi: (20st Dec. 2022)

Mayur Randive from Nagpur won the 2022 FIDE World Chess Championship on Friday after beating Alen D'souza of England with the black pieces. The challenger made another big blunder and lost his fourth game in the match. The final score was 7.5-3.5 in favour of Mayur Randive who won the world chess championship trophy. The match was held at Texas and 348 participants from all over the world participated for the semi final. Mayur who was titled with world championship under 20 age group was the winner of the National Premier Chess Championship in 2019, the Asian Continental Chess Championship 2020 and qualified for FIDE an online Chess Olympiad in 2021 The Prime Minister and the state Chief Minister congratulated him for his grand success.

B2. Develop a story using the following beginning :

Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter in a small village. Once day he went to the forest ....................................

Ans :

The axe Life saver of the woodcutter

Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter in a small village. One day he went to the forest to cut trees. He used to cut trees and sell them to a merchant and earn his money. He earned just about enough to make a living but he was satisfied with his simple living.

He used to carry his meal with him in a cloth bag. As he entered in the deep forest he encountered a thief on his way. The thief thought he was carrying some valuable in his cloth bag. So the thief attacked him. The thief was strong enough to take the bag but the woodcutter stopped him raising his axe. He told the thief that if he would come forward, he would kill him with his axe. The thief taken back and ran away in the forest. Thus the woodcutter not only saved his life but also his valuable meal.

He went away home without cutting any tree after taking his meal. When he narrated the whole episode to his wife and children, they were very happy to see him alive. Everyone thanked 'the axe' his weapon for saving his life.

Q.7. Translation :

a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction (any four) :

1) Slowly 

Ans :

संथपणे / हळूहळू

2) Garden 

Ans :

बगीचा / बाग

3) Remember 

Ans :

आठवणे / स्मरणे 

4) Scientist

Ans :


5) Picnic 

Ans :


6) Favourite

Ans :

आवडता / आवडती / आवडते 

b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two) :

1) Always speak respectfully with others.

Ans :

दुसऱ्यांशी नेहमी आदराने बोलावे. 

2) Take advices from your parents from time to time.

Ans :

तुमच्या आईवडिलांचे वेळोवेळी सल्ले घ्या. 

3) Give respect to elders.

Ans :

वरिष्ठांचा आदर करा. 

4) Parents and grandparents are the pillars of our family.

Ans :

आई वडील आणि आजी आजोबा आपल्या घराचे आधारस्तंभ असतात. 

c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction (any one)

1) Where there's a will, there's a way.

Ans :

इच्छा तेथे मार्ग

2) Cut your coat according to your cloth.

Ans :

अंथरूण पाहून पाय पसरावे. 

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