Kingdom : Plantae - examples

Kingdom : Plantae - examples

 The kingdom Plantae includes eukaryotic and autotrophic organisms like Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

The plants show sedentary nature. The cell wall of plant cells is composed of true cellulose. The members posses photosynthetic pigments. The members of plantae are the main producers and provide food directly or indirectly to all living organisms. Reserve food material is in the form of starch.

Vascular tissues are absent in the lower plants (Algae and Bryophytes) but present in higher plants (Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms).

In higher plants, cuticle, stomata etc. are present to check the rate of transpiration.

The plants, reproduce by vegetative, asexual or sexual methods. Vegetative reproduction occurs with the help of vegetative parts, asexual reproduction with the help of spores while sexual reproduction takes place with the help of gametes.

Examples : 

- Algae          e.g. - Spirogyra, Chara, etc.

- Bryophytes e.g. - Riccia, Funaria, etc.

- Peridophytes e.g. - Lycopodium, Nephrolepis, etc.

- Gymnosperms e.g. - Cycas, Pinus, etc.

- Angiosperms e.g. - Sunflower, Jower, etc.

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