Kingdom : Animalia - examples

Kingdom : Animalia - examples

 The animals are multicellular and eukaryotic and may be aquatic, terrestrial, amphibious or aerial. Majority of the animals are motile. However, a few like sponges are sedentary.

The animal cells do not posses cell wall, plastids and central vacuole.

The animals posses sense organs, nervous system and they respond to stimuli by exhibiting certain behaviour. They are heterotrophic, mostly holozoic and some are parasitic. They are consumers of various levels (primary, secondary, tertiary etc). Examples :- Fishes, frog, cats, birds, etc.

The five kingdom system of classification has some advantages as prokaryotes are separated from other organisms (Eukaryotes), and get the status of kingdom. 

The fungi are separated from Plantae on the basis of their saprophytic mode of nutrition (adsorption). Thus all groups of organisms get proper taxonomic status e.g. Rank of Kingdom, Monera and Fungi.

Euglena, an organism showing photosynthetic mode of nutrition in presence of light and holozoic mode (ingestion of food) is absence of light, has been placed i Kingdom Protista, as it is unicellular. Thus organisms with doubtful placement like Euglena get proper place in classification.

During redistribution of the organisms among additional kingdoms, the original sub-divisions of old two-kingdoms system are not disturbed.

However, there are some drawbacks in five kingdom system. Viruses do not find any place in five-kingdom system of classification. Kingdom Protista includes photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms, as well as those with or without cell wall and it is difficult to imagine them together.

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