Gilbert N Lewis ( 23 October 1875 – 23 March 1946 )

Gilbert N Lewis ( 23 October 1875 – 23 March 1946 )


He was American physical chemist, known for the discovery of bond. He is also known for Lewis dot structures of molecules. In 1916, he published his paper on ‘ Chemical bonding ‘ in which he proposed the idea of formation of covalent bond by sharing a pair of electrons between two atoms. In 1919 by studying the magnetic properties of solutions of oxygen in liquid nitrogen he proved that O4  molecules exist in liquid nitrogen. This was the first proof for the existence pf tetratomic oxygen.

    In 1921 he showed that the law of mass action is not obeyed by many strong electrolytes because of complete dissociation of the electrolytes. In 1923, he proposed his well known theory of acids and bases . he defined base as a substance that can donate a pair of electrons to another substance. The donated pair electrons is used to complete octet of electrons in the acceptor molecule. In 1923 he  introduced the term photon for the smallest unit of radiant energy. In 1933, he produced pure sample of deu
terium oxide, heavy water.

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