Connecting link short notes

Connecting link short notes

Connecting link short notes

Ans :

i) Some plants and animals show some morphological characters by which they can be related to two different groups; hence they are called as 'connecting links'. 

ii) Ex. In Peripatus, characters like segmented body, thin cuticle, and parapodia-like organs are present. Similarly, these animals show tracheal respiration and open circulatory system similar to arthropods. This indicates that Peripatus is connecting link between annelida and arthropoda. 

iii) Similarly, duck billed platypus lays eggs like reptiles but shows relationship with mammals too due to presence of mammary glands and hairs. Lung fish performs respiration with lungs irrespective of being fish. These examples indicate that mammals are evolved from reptiles and amphibians from fishes.

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