Enlist plant, animal and human viral diseases with their causative agents

Enlist plant, animal and human viral diseases with their causative agents

Enlist plant, animal and human viral diseases with their causative agents 


Plant viral diseases

* Plant viruses and viruses that affect plants.

* Like all other viruses, plant viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that do not have the molecular machinery to replicate without a host.

* Plant viruses can be pathogenic to higher plants.

* Most plant viruses are rod-shaped.

* They rarely have an envelope.

* The great majority have an RNA genome, which is usually small and single stranded (ss), but some viruses have double-stranded (ds)RNA, ssDNA or dsDNA genomes.

* To transmit from one plant to another and from one plant cell to another; plant viruses must use strategies that are usually different from animal viruses.

* Plant-to-plant transmission usually involves vectors (such as insects).

* Plant cells are surrounded by solid cell walls, therefore transport through plasmodesmata is the perferred path for virions to move between plant cells.

* The discovery of plant viruses causing disease is often accredited to A. Mayer (1886).

 Plant viral disease

Causative agent  

 Tobacco Mosaic

Tobacco Mosaic Virus 

 Curly top


 Leaf curl of papaya

Papaya leaf curl virus 

 Potato leaf roll 

Potato leafroll virus  

 Necrotic lesions on leaves


 Yellow dwarf of potato

 Potato yellow dwarf virus

 Banana bunchy top

 Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)

 Sugarcane mosaic

 Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV)

Animal viral diseases

 Animal viral disease

 Causative agent

 African horse sickness

 AHS virus

 African swine fever (Pigs)

 African swine fever virus

 Avian influenza

 Influenza (flu) viruses (AIV)

 Bluetongue (ruminants )


 hog cholera or Pig plague

 Pestivirus (Classical swine fever virus)

 Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)


 Hand, foot, and mouth disease


 Lumpy skin disease

 Capripox virus

 Newcastle disease (birds)

 para-myxo virus

 Rift Valley fever


Viral diseases in humans

 Human viral disease 

 Causative agent

 Cold sores (Fever blisters)

 herpes simplex


 Varicellovirus (Herpesvirus)


 HIV-1 and -2 (Lentivirus)

 Hemorrhagic fever



 Hepatitis virus


 Mumps virus


 Measles virus



 Dengue Fever

 Dengue virus

 Yellow fever 

 Yellow fever virus


 Influenza virus

 Common Cold 




 Swine flu 

 H1N1 virus

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