Unit II - 2. Basic concepts in organic chemistry
1) Substrate :
The main organic reactant on which reagent attacks or interacts during reaction called substrate.
2) Reagent :
A reactant which attacks on substrate in organic reactions or transformations called reagent.
Types of Reagents
There are two types of Reagents
(1) Electrophilic Reagents OR Electrophiles
[ Electron Loving Reagents ]
(2) Nucleophilic Reagents OR Nucleophiles
[ Nucleus Loving Reagents ]
1. Electrophilic Reagents [ E+]
I) Defi :
Electron deficient species called Electrophiles.
Electron acceptor species also known as Electrophiles.
II) Symbol :
The Electrophiles are represented by symbol E+
III) Nature :
They carry +Ve charge OR Neutral in nature. Basically the electrophiles attack on electron rich part (-Ve part) of the substrate during reaction.
IV) Examples :