Differential media

Differential media

 Differential media : 

* Media containing reagents or chemical which differentiate growth of one kind of organism for other kinds are known as differential media.

* The common example of differential media are Mac-Conkey's agar, Eosin methylene blue agar and blood agar.

* The contain dyes, reagents or chemicals which allow the observe to distinguish between types of bacterial colonies developed after incubation.

* For examples, if raw sewage is streaked or spread on eosinmethylene blue (EMB) agar some bacteria produce brilliant green colonies, others gummy, pink colonies with dark centres.

* Blood agar medium is a good differential medium.

* If a mixture of bacteria is inoculated on a blood agar medium, some of the bacteria may hemolyse (destroy) the red blood cells while others do not show hemolytic reactions.

* The observer may see a clear zone of hemolyzed red blood cells around certain colonies colonies of bacteria while the non-hemolyzed bacterial colonies do not develop such a clear zone around them.

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