


Aldehydes :

Fun. group formula

Fun. group name = Aldehyde OR formagroup

General formula : nH2no (n= 1,2,3...) or R-CHO

Defi : 

The aldehydes are organic compounds containing functional group -CHO (aldehyde) is called aldehydes.



Nomenclature :

1) Common name system :

i) Find the common name of corresponding carboxylic acid.

ii) Replace 'ic acid' of an acid with aldehyde term.

iii) Use the prefixes n, Iso & neo whenever needed.

IUPAC system :

Rule no.1:

I) Select the longest carbon chain with -CHO group.

II) Count the number of carbon atoms in normal chain with carbon atom of -CHO.

III) Find the name of parent alkane.

IV) Replace ending 'e' alkane with 'al' suffix.

V) Thus it become 'alkanal'.

Rule No.2:

Start numbering to normal chain carbon atoms from carbon atom of -CHO group.

Rule No.3: 

Give the name & location of branched group.

Rule No. 4: If aldehyde contains 2,3,4 similar branched groups, use the prefixes di, tri & tetra respectively.

Rule No. 5: 

If aldehyde possesses different Branched groups , mention their name by alphabetical order.

 Sr. No.


 Common name

  IUPAC name 









































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