Biodiversity of Chordata MCQ Bank B.Sc. First year with Answer key

Biodiversity of Chordata MCQ Bank B.Sc. First year with Answer key

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 1. Urochordates inhabit :

a) Estuarine habitat 

b) Fast streams

c) Marine habitat

d) Freshwater lakes

Answer : c

2. Branchial sac is called :

a) Atrial basket

b) Atrial flower

c) Branchial feather

d) Branchial basket

Answer : d

3. Which of this is not a chordate character?

a) A dorsal of hollow tubular nerve cord 

b) A longitudinal supporting rod-like notochord

c) A series of pharyngeal gill slits 

d) Diploblastic

Answer : d

4. First jawed vertebrates belong to class

a) Cyclostomata

b) Placodermi

c) Ostracodermi 

d) Chondrictheys

Answer : b

5. The endoskeleton of chordate animals is 

a) Living structure

b) Living structure without growth

c) Living structure with growth

d) Non-living structure

Answer : c

6. Which of the following is present in all chordates?

a) Umbilical cord

b) Ventral tubular nerve cord

c) Dorsal tubular nerve cord

d) Pseudocoelom

Answer : c

7. One of the following primitive class of chordates containing Amphiaxus and a few related forms, which are all marine:

a) Cephalochordata 

b) Urochordata

c) Hernichordata

d) Vertebrata

Answer : a

8. Which of the following is a chordate but not a vertebrate?

a) Catta 

b) Hippocampus

c) Hemidactyius

d) Amphioxus

Answer : d

9. Chordates with a backbone are called 

a) Invertebrates 

b) Protochordates

c) Vertebrates

d) Hemichordates

Answer : c

10. Which of the following animals is not a vertebrate?

a) Fish 

b) Frog

c) Sea horse

d) Sea squirt

Answer : d

11. Scales in the sharks are

a) Cycloid 

b) Ctenoid

c) Placoid

d) Ganoid

Answer : c

12. Which of the following is anamniote animal?

a) Labeo

b) Crucodilus

c) Columba

d) Rattus

Answer : a

13. Accessory respiratory organ in urochordates is 

a) Pharynx

b) Stomach 

c) Test

d) Liver

Answer : c

14. Most tunicates, except Herdmania are able to extract rare metal:

a) Mercury 

b) Vanadium 

c) Platinum

d) Silver

Answer : b

15. Urochordates are mostly 

a) Sedentary

b) Pelagic

c) Nektons

d) Benthos

Answer : a

16. Adult urochordates have:

a) Sac-like body with paired appendages

b) Degenerate, sac-like, unsegmented body

c) Unsegmented body, with a prominent tail

d) Well developed, segmented body

Answer : b

17. In urochordates notochord is present:

a) Throughout the body 

b) In the abdominal region

c) Only in larval tail 

d) Larval pharynx

Answer : c

18. In urochordates respiration occurs through

a) Test and gill slits

b) Test

c) Gill slits 

d) Branchial basket

Answer : a

19. Excretion in urochordates "is through":

a) Nephrocytes 

b) Neural glands

c) Glomerulus

d) Neural glands, pyloric glands and nephrocytes

Answer : d

20. Dorsal tubular nerve cord of the larval stage is changed to 

a) A single dorsal nerve ganglion in adult

b) A pair of nerve ganglion in adult 

c) A single ventral nerve ganglion in adult

d) A single lateral nerve ganglion in adult

Answer :  a

21. In urochordates development is 

a) Indirect with retrogressive metamorphosis

b) Direct with retrogressive metamorphosis

c) Indirect with progressive metamorphosis

d) Direct with progressive metamorphosis

Answer :  a

22. Which of the following shows phosphorescence

a) Herdmania

b) Pyrosoma

c) Doliolum

d) Salpa

Answer :  b

23. Which of the following urochordates is pelagic in habit 

a) Herdmania

b) Botryllus

c) Molgula 

d) Salpa and Oikopleura

Answer :  d 

24. The body proper of Oikopleura is enclosed in 

a) Test

b) House

c) Cocoon 

d) Pupa

Answer :  b

25.  Pharyngeal wall between two adjacent gill slits is called 

a) Gill clefts

b) Branchial aperture

c) Branchial lamellae

d) Gill lamellae

Answer :  c

26. One of the following is converted into thyroid gland of vertebrates 

a) Endostyle

b) Pharyngeal gill slits

c) epipharyngeal groove 

d) peripharyngeal bands

Answer :  a

27. Ductus Cuvieri is another name for 

a) Sinus venosus 

b) Aorta

c) Cardinal veins 

d) Parietal veins

Answer :  c

28. Members of subphylum Cephalochordata live in 

a) Marine and shallow waters

b) Marine and deep water

c) Swamps

d) freshwater lakes

Answer :  a

29. Cephalochordates are mostly sedentary and are buried

a) Completely under the bottom sand

b) With only anterior end projecting above bottom sand 

c) With only posterior and projecting above bottom sand

d) Under the bottom sand laterally

Answer :  b

30. Cephalochordates are small and slender animal with

a) Snake like and unsegmented body

b) Metamerie and opaque body

c) Fish like, metamerie and segmented body

d) Transparent, snake like body

Answer : c

31. Body of a Lancelet is divided into 

a) Head and tail

b) Head, trunk and tail

c) Head, neck, trunk and tail

d) Trunk and tail

Answer : d 

32. Lance lets possess

a) Median fins, but paired appendages are  absent

b) Paired appendages 

c) Paired appendages and operculum

d) Paired appendages but median fins are absent

Answer :  a

33. Exoskeleton in cephalochordates is 

a) Well developed 

b) Bony

c) Cartilaginous

d) Absent

Answer : d

34. Notochord in cephalochordates 

a) Extends from pharynx to tail

b) Extends from rostrum to pharynx

c) Extends  from rostrum to tail

d) Completely absent

Answer :  c

35. In cephalochordates, gill slits open into

a) Pharynx

b)  Atrium 

c) Coelom 

d) Heart

Answer : b

36. In cephalochordates respiration takes plce 

a) Through gills

b) Through gills 

c) Through general body suraface

d) Through limes

Answer : c

37. Mouth in Branchiostoma is bordered by 

a) Oral cirri

b) Oral hood

c) Oral frill

d) Oral tentacles

Answer : b

38. Ductus Cuvieri is another name for 

a) Sinus venosus 

b) Aorta

c) Cardinal veins 

d) Parietal veins

Answer : c

39. The thermoreceptor in Branchiostoma is 

a) Eye spots 

b) Cephalic pigments

c) Infundibular organ

d) Kollicker's pit

Answer : b

40. In cephalochordates is 

a) Sexes are separate

b) Organisms are hermapharodite

c) One pair of gonads are present

d) Organisms are hermaphrodite, with metamerically arranged gonads

Answer : a

41. Development in Cephalochordata is 

a) Indirect including a parasitic larva

b) Direct including a parasitic larva

c) Indirect including a free swimming larva

d) Indirect including a free swimming larva

Answer : c

42. The post- anal tail present in 

a) Hemichordates 

b) Urochordates

c) Cephalochordates

d) All protoehordates

Answer : c

43. Test is present in

a) All protoechordates

b) Hemichordate

c) Urochordates 

d) Cephalochordates

Answer : c

44. Metaroerically segmented muscles are present in 

a) AH protoechodates

b) Hemichordates

c) Urochordates

d) Cephalochordates

Answer : d

45. Development in Urochordata is 

a) Direct

b) Indirect with retrogressive metamorphosis

c) Indirect without metamorphosis

d) Indirect with metamorphosis

Answer : b

46. In Amphioxux rectum is 

a) Not differentiated 

b) Differentiated and sparsely ciliated

c) Differentiated but not ciliated

d) Differentiated and heavily ciliated

Answer : d

47. In Urochordata, the pyloric gland is 

a) Digestive as well as excretory

b) Only digestive 

c) Only respiratory

d) Only excretory

Answer : a

48. Autonomic nervous system is present to 

a) All protoehordates 

b)  Urochordata

c) Hermichordata

d) Cephalochordata

Answer : d 

49. In Cephalochordates

a) Only cerebral nerves are present

b) Only spinal nerves are present 

c) Nerves are absent

d) Both cerebral and spinal nerve are present

Answer : d

50. In vertebrates, the pharyngeal gill slits are not more than

a) 6 pairs

b) 7 pairs

c) 8 pairs

d) 9 pairs

Answer : b

51. Heart in vertebrates is 

a) Dorsal, muscular

b) Ventral, skeletal

c) Ventral, muscular

d) Dorsal,skeletal

Answer : c

52. Respiratory pigment in vertebrates is 

a) Cholorophyll 

b) Haemocyanin

c) Heparin 

d) Heamoglobin

Answer : d

53. Excretion in vertebrates takes place by

a) Unpaired kidney

b) Unpaired pro nephron

c) Paired mesonephric kidneys

d) Paired mesonephric and metaetanephric kidneys

Answer : d

54. Brain in vertebrates, is the enlarged 

a) Anterior end of dorsal nerve cord

b) Posterior end of dorsal nerve cord

c)  Anterior end of ventral nerve cord

d) Posterior end of dorsal nerve cord

Answer : a

55. Spinal nerves in vertebrates are formed by the union of 

a) A pair of dorsal roots 

b) A pair of ventral roots

c) A dorsal and a ventral nerve root

d) Two dorsal and one ventral root

Answer : c

56. Which period is known as the age of fishes

a) Cambrian

b) Ordovician

c) Silurian 

d) Devonian

Answer :  d

57. The first fossil records of vertebrates were found in the rocks of 

a) Ordovician 

b) Cambrian 

c) Jurassic 

d) Devonian

Answer :  a

58. The first jawed vertebrates ( Placoderms ), arose in 

a) Cambrian

b) Ordovician

c) Devonian

d) Silurian

Answer :  c

59. The first tetra pods arose in 

a) Ordovician period

b) Devonian period

c) Silurian

d) Carboniferous

Answer :  d

60. The 'age of amphibians' is used for

a) Ordovician period

b) Devonian period

c) Silurian

d) Carboniferous

Answer :  d

61. Which era is known as 'the age of reptiles' 

a) Archaeozoic

b) Proterozoic

c) Paleozoic 

d) Mesozoic

Answer :  d

62. Mammals arose during the 

a) Cretaceous period

b) Triassie period

c) Jurassic period

d) Permian period

Answer :  b

63. The connecting link between reptiles and birds

a) Apteryx

b) Strulhio

c) Archaeopteryx

d) Crocodiles 

Answer :  c

64. Which era is known as the age of mammals

a) Archaeozoic

b) Paleozoic

c) Mesozoic

d) Cenozoic

Answer : d

65. In deuterostomes, blastopore forms 

a) The mouth 

b) The anus 

c) Brain 

d) Kidney

Answer :  b

66. Which phosphagen is utilized by vertebrates in cycles of muscles contraction

a) Creatine 

b) Arginine 

c) Guanine 

d) Cysteine

Answer :  a

67. Lampreys belong to the group 

a) Agnatha 

b) Gnathostomata

c) Pisces

d) Tetrapoda

Answer :  a

68. Exoskeleton in lampreys is 

a) Bony 

b) Scaly

c) Cartilaginous 

d) Absent

Answer : d

69.  In Lampreys paired appendages are

a) 2 pairs

b) 3 pairs

c) absent

d) 4 pairs

Answer :  c

70. The teeth in upper and lower side of mouth lampreys are grouped into 

a) Preoral and supraoral tooth plates

b) Supraoral and infraoral tooth plates

c) Preoral and pastoral tooth plates

d) Suborul and supraoral tooth plates

Answer :  b

71. Which of the following is true for placoderms

a) Spiny sharks

b) plate skinned

c) Hagfishes

d) Lampreys

Answer :  b

72. Law suspensorium in placoderms is 

a) Autostylic

b) Holostylic

c) Aphetohyoidean type

d) Hyoidean type

Answer :  c

73. Placoderms had

a) Movable jaws

b) Upper jaw movable 

c) Only lower jaw movable

d) Immovable jaws

Answer :  d

74. The placodermi flourished during the 

a) Silurian

b) Devonian 

c) Carboniderous

d) Permian

Answer :  b

75. Super class Pisces includes organisms with 

a) Stream lined body, covered with scales

b) Stream lined body, covered with bony plates

c) Irregular body, covered with scales

d) Irregular body, covered with bony plates

Answer :  a

76. The fossil records of ScoUodon appear in

a) Middle Eocene 

b) Lower Eocene

c) Upper Eocene

d) Lower Pilocene

Answer :  b

77. Scoliodon is 

a) Marine, herbivorous

b) Freshwater, carnivorous

c) Marine, carnivorous and predator

d) Freshwater, omnivorous

Answer :  c

78. Body in Scoliodon is covered by 

a) Dermal plates

b) Cycloid scales

c) Ctenoid scales

d) Placoid scales

Answer :  d

79. Median fins in Scoliodon comprise 

a) Two dorsal, one caudal and one ventral fin

b) One dorsal, one caudal and one ventral fin

c) One dorsal, two caudal and one ventral fin

d) One dorsal , one caudal and two ventral flins

Answer :  a

80. Tail is ScoUodon is 

a) Homocercal

b) Heterocercal

c) Hypocercal

d) Hypercercal

Answer : b

81. The eyes in Scoliodon are protected by

a) Eyelids

b) Immovable nictitating membrane

c) Cuticle

d) Movable nictitating membrane

Answer :  d

82. The teeth in Scoliodon are meant for 

a) Biting and tearing 

b) Only biting

c) only chewing

d) Biting, tearing and chewing

Answer :  a

83. Nostrils in Scoliodon are 

a) Dorsal and olfactory

b) Ventral and olfactory

c) Dorsal and respiratory 

d) Ventral and respiratory

Answer : b

84. In scoliodon mucous is secreted by 

a) Cells in stratum laxum

b) Cells in stratum germinativum

c) Cells in stratum compactum

d) Melanophores

Answer : b

85. The teeth in Dogfish are modified

a) Placoid scales

b) Bony plates

c) Cycloid scales

d) Ctenoid scales

Answer : a

86. Myotomes in Dogfish are separated by 

a) Adipose tissue

b) Odontoblasts

c)Malpighian layer

d) Myocommata

Answer : d

87. The rhythm of contraction of myomeres is governed by 

a) Myocommata

b) Brain

c) Spinal Coral

d) Medulla oblongata

Answer : c

88. The pericardial and abdominal cavity in Dogfish is separeted by

a) Septum longitudinum 

b) Diagonal septum

c) Muscle sheath

d) Septum transversum

Answer : d

89. The pericardial and abdominal cavity in Dogfish communicate with one another through

a) Pencardio-peritoneal canal

b) Pericardio - pcrmbdominal canal

c) Peritoneal canal

d) Abdominal canal

Answer : a

90. Different parts of alimentary canal in Dogfish are bound to one another by

a) Circular muscle fibres

b) Incomplete mesenteries or omenta

c) Complete mesenteries 

d) Substance produced by cement glands

Answer : b

91. Dentition in Dogfish is

a) Heterodont, polyphycxiont and lyodont

b) Heterodont, diphyodont and lyodont

c) Homodont, polyphodont and lyodont

d) Homorodont, diphypdont and lyodont

Answer : c

92. The oesophageal opening into the cardiac stomach is guarded by 

a) Blind sac

b) Sphincter valve

c) Scroll valve

d) Oesophageal valve

Answer : d

93. Sphincter valve is present

a) At the junction of pharynx and cardiac stomach

b) At the junction of cardiac stomach and pyloric stomach

c) At the junction of pyloric stomach and oesophagus

d) At the junction of oesophagus and intestine

Answer : b

94. The scroll valve serves to

a) Speed up the passage of food

b) Delay the passage of food

c) Mix the food with bile juice

d) Digest the food quickly

Answer : b

95.Liver of Dogfish is

a) Single lobed 

b) Bilobed 

c) Tri lobed 

d) Four lobed

Answer : b

96. Sinusoids in the gill lamella of Scoliodon receive venous blood from

a) Afferent branchial artery

b) Efferent branchial artery 

c) Ventral aorta

d) Epibranchial artery 

Answer : a

97. The heart in Scoliodon receives

a) Both venous and arterial blood 

b) Only arterial blood

c) Only venous blood

d) Blood only from gills

Answer : c

98. This "S" shaped heart of Scoliodon is differentiated into 

a) One auricle and one ventricle

b) Sinus venosus, auricle and ventricle

c) Auricle, ventricle and conus arteriosus

d) Sinus venosus, auricle, ventricle and consul arteriosus

Answer : d

99. The Heart in fishes is

a) Single chambered 

b) 2 chambered

c) 3 chambered

d) 4 chambere

Answer : b

100. Sinus venosus receives blood from 

a) Ductus Cuvieri and hepatic sinuses

b) Ventral Aorta

c) Ductus Cuvieri

d) Hepatic sinuses

Answer : a

101. Erythrocytes in Scoliodon are 

a) Circular, nucleated

b) Circular, enucleated

c) Oval, nucleated

d) Oval, enucleated

Answer : c

102. Brain of Scoliodon is enclosed in 

a) Cranium 

b) Bony skull

c) Muscular cover

d) Chondrocranium

Answer : d 

103. Cranial nerve arising from the mid brain of Scoliodon

a) III and IV

b) IV and V

c) V and VI

d) VI and VII

Answer : a

104. Restiform body is present in 

a) Cerebellum 

b) Medulla oblongata

c) Cerebrum 

d) Midbrain

Answer : b

105. The swimming movement of Scoliodon are controlled by 

a) Cerebrum

b) Mid brain 

c) Hind brain 

d) Spinal cord

Answer : c

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