Modern concept of gene

Modern concept of gene

Genes are units of inheritance. A gene is a segment of DNA that provides instructions for synthesis of a specific protein or a particular type of RNA. It may be defined as a segment of DNA which is responsible for responsible for inheritance and expression of a particular character.

Seymour Benzer (1955), introduced the terms, cistron, muton and recon.

Cistron :  (Unit of function) It is responsible for expression of a trait. It is a segment of DNA having information for synthesis of a particular protein or RNA. It can be several hundred bp (base pairs) long.

 Muton : (Unit of mutation). It consists of a few nucleotides, (one to few bp long). It is segment of DNA that can undergo mutation.

Recon : (Unit of recombination). It is segment of DNA that participates in recombination through crossing over during meiosis. It consists of few to many base pairs.

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