Endocrine Glands and their hormones

Endocrine Glands and their hormones

 The Control and co- ordination is carried out by the nervous system and the endocrine system which are integrated and considered as neuro – endocrine system.

The endocrine glands are special type of glands. These are the glands of internal secretion and do not have duct system and release their secretions directly into the blood stream; therefore known as ductless glands.

The endocrine glands secrete the special chemical messengers called hormones. They are carried by the blood stream to influence the functioning of specific “target” organs or tissues of the body as a whole. The regulatory role may be either excitation or inhibition. The word “hormone” (G. hormaein = to excite) is therefore misnomer.

Common Properties of Hormones :

1.Hormones are produced in response to specific stimulus.

2. The rate of secretion varies from low to very high depending on nature and intensity of the stimulus.

3. They are produced in one organ and show their effect on distant “target” organ.

4. Hormones are carried through blood.

5. Hormones are bound to specific carrier proteins while being transported in the blood.

6. Hormones have a high degree of target specificity.

7. Every hormone acts basically by modifying some aspect of cellular metabolism.

8. The excessive secretions or deficiencies of hormones may lead to serious disorders.

The main endocrine glands in human body are :

i)Pituitary- hypothalamus

ii) Thyroid and parathyroid glands

iii) Adrenal glands

iv) Islets of Langerhans in pancreas

v) Endocrine part of gonads i.e. Testes and Ovary.

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