Baeyer's Strain Theory

Baeyer's Strain Theory

 * This theory proposed by Baeyer to explain the relative stability of cycloalkanes.

* According to this theory the open chain alkanes contain sp3 hybridized carbon atoms, thus the bond angle is 109o28'.

* The bond angle ( 109o28' ) is resposible for the stability of alkanes hence forth it is called Ideal Bond angle.

* The distortion ( deviation ) in Ideal Bond angle leads into unstability of that hydrocarbon.

* The cycloalkanes contain sp3- hybridized carbon atoms but they do not have Ideal Bond angle exactly 109o28' due to formation of ring. 

* The strain occurs on Ideal Bond angle in cycloalkanes due to formation of ring. This Bond angle strain in the ring is called angle  strain.

* It is also reported that more the angle strain lesser is stability of cycloalkane or less the angle strain more is the stability of cycloalkane.

* The angle strain is calculated by the formation given below.

Angle strain = Ideal Bond angle - Actual Bond angle 

* Let us see the angle strain of some cycloalkanes. 

Name of cycloalkanes     Ideal Bond angle      Actual Bond angle      Angle strain 

1) Cyclopropane                109o                               60o                                  49o

2) Cyclobutane                  109o                                90o                                  19o

3) Cyclopentane                109o                                 108o                                1o

4) Cyclohexane                   109o                                 120o                               -11o=11o

* On the basis of above angle strains the order of stability of cycloalkanes is a below.

Cyclopentane > Cyclohexane > Cyclobutane > Cyclopropane 

                               Stability decreases

* This theory states that smaller or large rings of cycloalkanes than cyclopentane or cyclohexane causes unstability.

* This theory explains least stability of cyclopropane based upon easy ring opening reactions.

* The practical order of stability of cycloalkanes is a below.

Cyclohexane > Cyclopentane > Cyclobutane > Cyclopropane 
                      Stability decreases

Drawbacks :

1) This theory does not explain why practically cyclohexane more stable than cyclopentane.

2) This theory does not explain the easy synthesis of higher cycloalkanes.

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