Fundamental Microbiology B.Sc. First year Unit I, Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV MCQ's with Answer keys

Fundamental Microbiology B.Sc. First year Unit I, Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV MCQ's with Answer keys

 1. The organism which use organic compounds as principle carbon source is called 

a) Autotroph 

b) Heterotroph

c) phototroph

d) Chemotroph

Answer : b

2. 70S Ribosomes are composed of ______

a) protein & RNA 

b) protein & DNA

c) Protein & Nucleic acid 

d) Peptide & DNA

Answer : a

3. Teichoic acid is unique to walls of ______ bacteria .

a) Gram positive

b) Gram negative 

c) Gram variable 

d) None of these

Answer : b

4. The cocci divide in _____ plane

a) one 

b) two 

c) three

d) all are correct

Answer : d

5. The rod shaped bacteria divide in _____ plane .

a) one 

b) two 

c) three 

d) four

Answer : a

6. The science that deals with the origin, structure & function of cells is referred as  _____ 

a) Cytology 

b) Morphology 

c) biology

d) Psychology

Answer : a

7. Which among the following structure of bacteria lie external to the cell wall of bacteria?

a) Glycocalyx

b) Flagella

c) Pili

d) All of these

Answer : d 

8. Heteropolysaccharide capsules contains _____ types of sugar units.

a) One 

b) More than one 

c) Fifty 

d) Twenty

Answer : b

9.  When glycocalyx layer is unorganized loosely attached to the cell wall it is called as _____.

a) Capsule

b) Slime layer

c) Capsule and slime layer

d) All of these

Answer : b

10. The unit of measurement used in bacteriology is ______.

a) Micron

b) Millimeter

c) Centimeter

d) Kilometer 

Answer : b

11. The cocci dividing in one plane & remain attached in pair is called ____ .

a) Streptococci

b) Diplococci

c) Tetrad

d) Staphylococci

Answer : b

12. Morphology of E.coil is _____ .

a) Cocci

b) Sperical

c) Spiral

d) Rods

Answer : d 

13. The diameter of flagella can be increased by coating it with ______ .

a) Stain

b) Mordant

c) Dye 

d) Protein

Answer : b

14. The flagellar arrangement having several flagella all over the surface of bacteria is referred as _____ pattern.

a) Monotrichous

b) Lophotrichous

c) Amphitrichous

d) Peritrichous

Answer :  d

15. In motile Gram negative bacteria, the structure of flagella contains _____ rings.

a) one 

b) two

c) three

d) four

Answer :  d

16. The chemical nature of Pili ( fimbriae ) is ____ .

a) Carbohydrate

b) Protein

c) lipid

d) Fat

Answer :  b

17. Peptidoglycan is made up of ______ .

a) Glycan stand 

b) Tetrapeptide side chain

c) Cross linkage

d) All of these

Answer :  d

18. The inner layer of gram negative cell wall consists of _____ .

a) Lipopolysaccharide

b) Peptidoglycan

c) Phospholipid

d) Lipoprotein

Answer :  b

19. Convex lens is also called as ______ .

a) Diverging lens 

b) Converging lens

c) Plane lens

d) Concave lens

Answer :  b

20. Primary image is a magnified image produced by _____ .

a) Objective lens

b) Ocular lens 

c) condenser lens

d) Planoconcave lens

Answer :  a

21. The product of refractive index of the medium between object and objective & half angular aperture is called-

a) Refractive power

b) Resolving power

c) Numerical aperture

d) Working distance

Answer :  c

22. Primary image is formed by placing the object _____ the focal point of the objective lens.

a) Inside

b) Outside

c) Within

d) All are incorrect

Answer :  b

23. The refractive index of air is _____ .

a) 1.0

b) 2.0

c) 1.5

d) 2.5

Answer :  a

24. Resolving power of microscope depends on _______ .

a) Wave length of light used for illumination

b) Numerical aperture

c) Wave length of light and Numerical

d) None of these

Answer :  c

25. Which component of microscope allows the easy forward, backwards or either side ways movement of slide?

a) Base

b) Arm

c) Stage 

d) Mechanical Stage

Answer :  d

26. ______ are the organisms that utilize light as energy source .

a) Autotrophs

b) Chemotrophs

c) Phototrophs

d) Oligotrophs

Answer : c

27. ______ are the organisms that obtains energy by oxidation of organic compounds & use organic compound as principle carbon source.

a) chemoheterotrophs

b) chemoorganotrophs

c) chemorganohetrotrophs

d) all options are correct

Answer : d

28. Which among the following have same nutritional requirements?

a) photoheterotrophs & phot organotrophs

b) chemoheterotrophs & chemolithotrophs

c) photoautotrophs & photoorganotrophs

d) chemotrophs & phototrophs

Answer : a

29. Chemolithotrophs can also be termed as _____ .

a) chemoheterotrophs

b) photoautotrophs

c) chemoautotrophs

d) mixotrophs

Answer : c

30. Photoorganotrophs have same nutritional requirements as _____ .

a) chemotrophs 

b) photoheterotrophs

c) chemolithotrophs

d) photolithotrophs

Answer : b 

31. What type of electron source is used by photolithotrophs?

a) organic

b) inorganic

c) both organic and inorganic

d) all options are correct

Answer : b

32. Which among the following is the basic nutritional requirement contributing the major component of cell?

a) Carbon

b) Nitrogen

c) Phosphrous 

d) Sulfur

Answer : a

33. What is Auxotrophs?

a) Organisms growing luxurious on general media

b) requires more amount of carbon & nitrogen source 

c) requires growth factors and cannot synthesize it 

d) organisms that cannot be cultivated in laboratory

Answer : c

34. Chemoheterotrophs requires _____ as electron source.

a) chemicals

b) inorganic chemicals 

c) organic chemicals 

d) none of these

Answer : c

35. TEM stands for

a) Transmission Electronic Microscopy

b) Transverse Electron Microscope

c) Transmission Electron Microscope

d) Terminal Electron Microscope

Answer : c

36. The electron gun generates electrons from _____ .

a) Tungsten filament

b) Halogen lamp

c) Fluorescent lamp

d) None of these

Answer : a

37. Sterilization by ___ is                referred as cold sterilization.

a) Gases

b) Gamma rays

c) Ultraviolet rays

d) Visible rays

Answer : b

38. Which among the following is liquid at room temperature ?

a) Formaldehyde

b) Paraformaldehyde

c) Ethylene oxide

d) Beta propiolactone

Answer : d

39. Hexylresorcinol is employed as general antiseptic in ____ .

a) Mouth wash

b) Gargles

c) Cough drops 

d) All of these

Answer : d

40. ______ is the time in minutes to reduce the population by 90%.

a) Thermal Death Point

b) Thermal Death Time

c) Partial reduction time 

d) D-Value

Answer : d

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