JOSEPH LOUIS GAY-LUSSAC ( 6 December 1778 - 9 May 1850 )

JOSEPH LOUIS GAY-LUSSAC ( 6 December 1778 - 9 May 1850 )

Gay-Lussac was a French Chemist and Physicist. He is known mostly for two laws related to gases and for his work on alcohol-water mixtures. This led to the Gay-Lussac degrees used for measuring strength of alcoholic beverages in many countries.

1) In 1802, Gay-Lussac formulated the gas law stating that, for a given mass of a gas, at constant pressure, volume increases linearly with absolute temperature.

2) In 1804, he made a hot air balloon and reached to the height of 6.4 kilometers. He collected samples of air at different heights and recorded temperatures and moisture contents.

3) In 1805, he discovered that composition of atmosphere does not change with increasing altitude. He also discovered that water is formed by two parts by volume of hydrogen and onw part by volume of oxygen.

4) In 1821, Guy Lussac developed new versions of burette and pipette used for titrations.
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