Arrhenius, Svante ( 1859 - 1927 )

Arrhenius, Svante ( 1859 - 1927 )

 Arrhenius, a Swedish physical chemist, proposed the thoery of ionic dissociation. Arrhenius came from a family of farmers, and his father was an estate manager and surveyor. He attended Uppsala University and did very well in physical science. Then he moved to Stockholm to work for a higher studies on aqueous solutions of  electrolytes. He concluded that such solutions conduct electricity because the electrolyte exists in the form of charged atoms of groups of atoms, which move through the solution under the application of electric current. In 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. He worked on different subject including immunology, cosmic physics and also on ' greenhouse effect'. He also studied the effect of temperature on the rates of chemical reactions.

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